Skyllark's Studio

Who Am I?

☆ Sky ☆ he/him ☆ Polish ☆ aged 20 ☆

Let me introduce myself:
I go by the name Skyllark online
[alternatively: Sky // Skyll // Skyllrk]
Just some self-proclaimed nerd, amateur artist, and a collector of plastic animals
[aka Littlest Pet Shops].
I enjoy creating things and telling stories… and I’m the kind of person who wants to do too many projects
in too little time.
This site is a collection of things
I make and enjoy!

My Interests

Making Art

I always made random drawings, as I was "the creative kid”, but I started taking drawing a bit more seriously at the beginning of high school, in 2019 - started my first sketchbook, learning how things like anatomy and perspective work. I also got my first drawing tablet in december 2021, and started doing digital drawings then.

I keep drawing things, mostly for fun. The progress in my skills is quite slow, since I’m not trying *too* hard. I’m by no means a professional, and do not plan on making art into my career... (though i would be nice to get some money out of it one day??). I post my creations online, although they’re very imperfect, but they’re still a part of me and.. well, I enjoy imperfect things made by others. Still... hoping to develop my skills more in the future.

Most of the drawings I make are related to my stories - it was a dream of mine to have drawing skills that let me portray my characters just as I imagined (I guess it partially came true?). I have the most experience in anthropomorphic animal characters, but I also try to do humans. And I really enjoy drawing dragons, for whatever reason... I’m inpatient and don’t really make huge, detailed artworks, just... quick sketches, made with whatever I have at hand. But I also like experimenting with various mediums; I found that I really love lino printing (but I don’t do it often since it’s messy) and watercolors (I carry them everywhere and often use them in my sketchbooks).

Besides drawing, I also paint custom Littlest Pet Shop figurines which, I guess, could also be classified as ‘art’?! Oh - and I make miniatures. Miniature furniture, houses, entire towns - to use as sets for my LPSTube videos, but I also just enjoy the crafting process itself.

Littlest Pet Shop

I was born in the early 2000s, so Littlest Pet Shop figurines were one of the most popular toys when I was growing up. I didn’t really play with them - I mean, I owned a few and found them neat, but I mostly collected other toys. But when I was around 9, I discovered the LPS community online - people making LPS YouTube Videos and Blogs, and got... quite fascinated by it. In late 2015 (when I was 11) I ‘seriously’ joined this community and became an LPS collector - mostly because of one of my friends. Up to this day, although I’m probably ‘too old’ for that by social standards.. I still enjoy these cool little creatures.

The main reason why I’m in this community is making videos on YouTube - the community of LPSTube is something I find quite... fascinating. It started out as kids playing with their toys in front of a camera, evolved into teens and young adults making entire, complex series, some of which look truly great for amateur filmmaking. I held interest in filmmaking since I was a kid, and making a LPS youtube channel allowed me to tell my stories to the world. Although it’s quite an... unconventional medium, I just enjoy the weirdness around it.

From the involvement in the youtube community, sparked my different interests related to LPS - like photographing them, painting them to make custom, one of a kind figurines and crafting miniatures to use as sets in my videos.


I have loved making fictional stories since I was a little kid - wrote my first “novel” when I was 8… it was fantasy, with my dog as the main character. I even got it printed (in, like, 20 copies) and gave it to family and friends. That were the times! Consuming fiction was never enough for me, as I wanted to tell my own stories; and I have to admit, I used fiction as an escape from the harsh reality.

When I discovered LPSTube, I started making LPS series which are my main storytelling medium to this day. One day I hope to start doing something else, too. Just to experiment, maybe find different ways to express myself. Sometimes I still write short stories, but.. I don’t really publish them anywhere as my writing skills aren’t that great yet.

Still, I enjoy creating fictional universes and characters - whether it’s for my LPS projects, or for anything else I might make-or-not-make in the future.

... Learning things?

I love just… knowing stuff about the world, you know. I’m a curious creature and I take interest in many things, would go into all possible fields of science if I could.

Much of the stuff I’m mostly interested in are humanities, as that’s what I’m studying at university. Some more-or-less-broad fields I like are philosophy, linguistics, literary studies (especially narration theory), anthropology/cultural studies, and history of art.

But besides that, I’m actually also fascinated with astronomy, physics and chemistry. Though I kind of abandoned those interests recently…